
There are 2 steps involved in setting up approvals using Easy Approval For Jira:

1. Setting up a rule

Please follow the steps mentioned below to configure a rule in Easy Approval For Jira for the project in which you wish to use the application:

  • Visit the Project where you want to configure Easy Approval for Jira.

  • Go to the “Project Settings“.

  • In the left hand side panel, scroll down to the Apps section.


  • Click on click on Easy Approval for Jira. You may see the following screen asking you to allow the app to access Atlassian products on your behalf


    • Click on Allow access.

  • You will be presented with the following screen:


  • Click on Add New Rule to configure a rule. You will be presented with following screen where you need to provide the details for your rule:


    • Rule Name: Enter a name for your rule.

    • Select issue type for Rule: Select the issue type for which you want to apply this rule.

    • Select from status: Select the status from which your transition is originating.

    • Select to status: Select the destination status of your transition.

    • Select reject status: Select the destination status of your transition on rejection of approval.

    • Approval classifier: Select who can approve the transition. Here there are 2 options:

      • Project Role: Select this if you want all the users who are assigned a selected role to be able to approve.

      • User Picker Field: Select this if you want to select user(s) from a User Picker Field to be able to approve the transition.

    • Project role: Select the project role which you want to be able to approve the transition.

    • All users or Any user:

      • Select “All users“ if you want the approval to be done only if all the users from the selected role/ user picker field have given the approval

      • Select “Any user“ if you want the approval to be done if any of the users from the selected role/ user picker field have given the approval.

      • A sample completed form is presented below:



    • Allow auto transition of issue: Select if you want the issue to be automatically transitioned on successful approval.

    • Clear existing approvals on rejection: Select if you want to clear the existing approvals if an approval is rejected.

    • Logging Text Field: Select the custom field you want to use to record approver logs. Please make sure that this custom field is available in the appropriate screens and screen schemes.

    • Error Message: Enter the error message which should be displayed when a rule fails.

    • Click on Save.


2. Adding Validator to the transition.

  • Once a rule has been setup, a validator needs to be added in the corresponding transition (for which the rule has been configured).

  • In order to add the validator,

    • edit the corresponding workflow

    • go the transition for which the rule has been configured


    • Add a Validator - Select “Easy Approval for Jira Validator“



    • Save/ publish the workflow.

    • If you want to reset the approval when reverse transition is done, you can add the validator “Easy Approval for Jira Reset“